How to deal with heartburn during pregnancy ?


How to deal with heartburn during pregnancy ? This is a problem that becomes more common in the second half of pregnancy. It is usually associated with an increased amount of progesterone, which has a protective role, reduces the excitability of the uterine muscles, but at the same time, unfortunately, suppresses the normal peristalsis of the stomach. And given the pressure of the fetus on the stomach - no wonder that in the last few months of pregnancy from heartburn complain of many, many pregnant women.  What could be done with homeopathy? However, before I say some basic measures that are important to follow: to avoid the consumption of fried, smoked, spicy foods, which generally increase the risk of heartburn, to avoid the consumption of cellulose-rich, difficult to digest foods, to feed the pregnant woman more particle, but in smaller portions, to take fluids at least one hour away from the meal, and not together with the food. The last meal is good to be at least three hours before going to bed for a night's sleep and if there is a lot of heartburn at night, it is good to sleep on a higher pillow.  Otherwise, what can we recommend homeopaths regarding acids? Perhaps the main homeopathic medicine we use is Nux Vomica diluted 9 CH or 15 CH. This is a drug that we use for so-called anti-peristaltic waves. In this way, we prevent the return of acidic stomach contents from the stomach to the esophagus, which is the main cause of these acids, the burning sensation behind the sternum, and sometimes a bitter or sour taste in the mouth.  We often combine Nux Vomica with Rubinia pseudo acacia, also a wonderful medicine for heartburn, and recommend five granules of Nux Vomica and Robinia pseudo acacia twenty to thirty minutes before meals and at bedtime. Sometimes another homeopathic medicine - Sulfuricum acidum - has a better effect than Robinia pseudo acacia and then we combine it with Nux Vomica.  Of course, there are other medications that we could use, such as Iris Versicolor, as well as medications for the so-called sensitive type of woman, because there are women who are more prone to acid complaints than others - and then the appointment of a drug for a particular sensitive type very significantly improves the effect of the drugs I just mentioned.  It is also important to note that in the case of acids, homeopathic medicines are very well combined with the internal intake of lemon essential oil of high therapeutic class, so that it can be taken internally one drop once or twice a day. A wonderful essential oil not only for nausea and vomiting, but also for heartburn. Lemon is also one of the most commonly recommended essential oils by aromatherapists for other reasons. Improves bile-liver and kidney function, improves digestion, improves blood circulation, helps increase the body's overall immunity and destroys many pathogens.  When heartburn is associated with increased psycho-emotional irritability, it is beneficial to take Ignatia Argentum nitricum, other homeopathic medicines with which to balance the psycho-emotional state of the pregnant woman and in these cases it is recommended to take magnesium, vitamins from group B, certain herbal medicines and food supplements, teas - mainly based on chamomile, St. John's wort, thyme, oregano, basil.   There are many other herbs that could also help the condition here. Last but not least - for the balance of the nervous system and the psyche, to improve digestion, I highly recommend the practice of yoga - of course, under the supervision of a good instructor who is licensed for yoga classes for pregnant women.;u=40065;u=44827;area=summary;u=44827 Symptoms of pregnancy are all those changes in your body and self-esteem that tell you that you are expecting a baby before the pregnancy test indicates it. And although the symptoms of pregnancy are individual to each woman, there are a few more common early signs that are often conclusive evidence that you will become a mother.

From conception, your body begins to release hormones that affect the normal functioning of your organs and cause unusual complaints. But this is where the confusion can occur. Many of the early symptoms of pregnancy resemble those of PMS ( premenstrual symptom ). And if you are not trying to conceive at this time, you may think that it is all because of your upcoming menstrual cycle. In fact, you are already pregnant.

Here is a list of the most common symptoms of pregnancy that will help you understand whether your feelings are the result of an innocent illness or something bigger. But remember - some of these symptoms can be very mild. So in case of any hesitations and grounds for a possible pregnancy, take a test or visit a gynecologist.

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